Quarter of a Century

Adam surprised me with my favorite kind of birthday cake (Pillsbury Funfetti with cream cheese frosting--neither found in the UK!) in the shape of a cake my mom often made when I was a child. If you can't tell, there's a doll stuck in the middle of the cake, and the cake is her "skirt." Reeses pieces (another favorite of mine, also not in the UK) made up the decorative border along the bottom. YUMMY! :) It was so fun to be home with both Adam and my family for my birthday. As I write this it is Wednesday evening, the 29th, and we fly out tomorrow afternoon to return to London. It has been sooooooo wonderful to be here in Brookhaven. But I know we must return to England. Time to get back to our youth. It will be good to see our friends again and pass on some American goodies. I will try not to bore them to tears with stories of my family and friends here in the States! Must try to get some sleep now as I rarely sleep more than an hour or so on the plane. Lord willing and the creek don't rise I'll be writing my next entry back in the good ole UK. (No, I haven't heard them use those phrases, but if I don't keep saying such I'll lose my Southern twist on the British life!)
HelenClare -- it is wonderful! What a great job -- good pictures -- I'm impressed!! I'm going to send the URL to Torrey & Jill and Cuz Nuz Ruth...she'll love to see it too.
Love you! By the time you read this, you'll be back home in the UK -- back to being a Southerner in London....
Aunt Jan
good job on the blog. i look forward to reading lots of entries from you! i know you'll do a great job. you're off to an excellent start! i am sorry i missed you while you were in the states but know i was thinking of you very much. i love you!
Helen Clare it looks like you have struck a chord with your blog site!! :o)
Love you,
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