More good times
The last time I wrote I was in the States, and I'm back again. If I keep up this pattern, I will never become a true blogger. I didn't realize it'd be so hard to keep up with while in London...I won't make any promises from now on cause I'm sure I couldn't keep them! But here I am now, sitting in my parent's living room while Adam and my dad watch American football behind me. This was my first Christmas and New Year's to spend with my family in four years. We weren't even supposed to come this year, but about a month and a half ago Adam came up with the idea of going to surprise my parents for Christmas. I laughed and said, "In my dreams!" He looked at me and said, "I'm serious. Do you think we could?" That's all it took--I went from there and spent hours looking for tickets. My passport even arrived the next day with my new Indefinite Leave to Remain posted inside! Adam's one condition was that we not tell ANYONE about our trip. So we didn't! About a week before we left I did tell my friend Elise so she could pick us up from the airport in Jackson and drive us down to Brookhaven...I was dying to let someone know by that point! We arrived on Tuesday night before Christmas and everyone in the house was asleep. Whoa were they surprised!! It was really interesting just seeing all the different reactions (my parents, Reuben, Liz Anne, and later Tina and Rob). And such fun!! We had a wonderful Christmas together and Adam and I have just been soaking up every day. Lots of rest, good food, great company. We have one week left before we head back to the Big City. I'm not ready yet. Tried posting a picture but it didn't work so will try again...