Sun and Rainbows

Finally! I'm still here. Thanks to those who haven't given up on me and have checked my blog site once more. Where does time go?? London is still kicking, fast-paced as ever. Everyone is getting excited about summer and I'm still wondering, "where is it?" It has been in the 50s this week and the rainiest it's been all year. At least the days are long--for the times the sun does shine. (Sun rise is before 5am and sun set after 9pm.) Several weeks ago Adam and I made a trip to The Hookses in Wales, on the Pembrokeshire Coast. This is John Stott's special place that he has given to the church to rent out to people. Our friends Meg and Jonny Greatrex rented it out for the week while Meg's parents were visiting from South Africa. They kindly invited us to come for a few days, which we very gladly did! It feels a million miles away from London--the only sounds at The Hookses are the waves crashing into the cliffs, the birds, and the wind. We had gorgeous weather (though still windy and quite cold!). One day the four of us went to a theme park and enjoyed riding all the rollar coasters--without having to wait in line at all! Adam, Jonny, and Meg ended the day with a splash as they rode the wettest ride possible. I was freezing in my normal clothes so I can't imagine how they made it home without getting hypothermia! I think I still have too much Southerness in my bones for such things...
One evening we had a rain storm and afterwards an amazing rainbow appeared. We could see each end. It was amazing! God's promises still hold fast today! :)
Hi. Lovely pictures. Amazing country, beautiful even without trees. And so quiet and peaceful. What a lovely opportunity for you.
So glad you could get away! What beautiful pictures. Can't wait to see you!
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