Home Sweet Flat

Now I am officially back into my role as a "Southerner in London." It is Sunday evening and we arrived back Friday afternoon. Adam has been fast asleep for hours. We're still working on the jet lag. I think it's worse coming back this way because there's no adrenaline rush to keep you going. It's cold here, but milder than when I left. (Oh how I long for those hot, humid Mississippi days...) Little green buds are popping up in various places and daffodils are starting to cover the ground in the parks. The days are significantly longer as they had the time change while we were away. Walking home from church at 8pm tonight I could still see light in the sky! (This is very exciting because in the winter it gets dark around 3:30!) It was very hard leaving Mississippi. I think it will be good for me to get back into a busy routine. That way hopefully I won't think about it too much--and also the time will pass more quickly to the time I can go back!
A cultural difference for the day: We had dinner at a friend's home on Friday (the day we returned). Her name is Mary Currie and she's one of Adam's "English mom's" (though they would say "mum"). During the evening Adam was recounting our engagement story (there were some other friends there also who hadn't heard it). Right before he proposed he acted like he'd stubbed his toe and then got down on one knee, etc. Well, I turned around thinking I had stepped on his toe and in Adam's interpretation he said I turned around and kept asking, "Oh no! Did I trod on your toe? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to trod on your toe!" Ok, trod? Does anyone in Mississippi talk about trodding on anything? Another language difference--two of the friends there were Scottish. Listening to them talk, I realized that Scottish people really do say things like "I dinnie or I winnie or I canny"--remind you of any novels, Mama? (dinnie=did not; winnie=will not; and canny or is it canna?=cannot) Adam also said, "Enough already" and the friends immediately told him he was picking up American sayings now...I didn't know that was "American." Sometimes I feel like I need to walk around with an interpreter!
p.s. about the picture: this is an old one taken (I think maybe for a V-day dinner, hence the candles and balloons) of our living/dining room. I'll try to take some more pics some time so you all can see the other parts of our little flat.
Hey, dear HC,
Love the look of your little flat -- so cute. Glad you made it home safe and sound. I am SO enjoying the Vegemite. (Of course, I realize in the UK Vegemite is not the in thing - Marmite is. On my Spare 'Oom Listserv we periodically degenerate into long discourses on whether Vegemite trumps Marmite and vice versa. Of course Vegemite trumps Marmite -- no question about it. Then we try to include some CS Lewis content such as did he have Marmite with his ale when he met up with the Inklings...)
Love you!
Aunt Jan
It was so good hearing your voice this afternoon. I asked the folks at church tonight to pray for you as you adjusted to being back in London. Thank you for taking the time to post additional insights/experiences to your blog. It helps us gain an understanding of your life there. If you'll try and enjoy the cool days for me, then I will try and enjoy the hot/humid days for you!! :o)
Love you both lots and lots,
The "Silver Fox" needs to check out Torrey's blog to find out what is being said about him....review the comments...
The Queen of Moles
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